Tuesday, 17 July 2012

Introducing Mandy...

Here is my client Mandy, I'd like to invite you along on her journey for the next 12 weeks.

Photo taken, date: 17 July 2012
Weight:    88.8kgs
Height: 166cm
BMI: 31.9

Biceps: 34.2cms
Chest: 108cm
Waist: 97.5cm
Hips: 112cm
Thighs: 67.5cm

Initially on 29th May, Mandy was 91kgs, and in just 6 weeks, she has already lost 2.2kgs, which doesnt seem much, but I assure you it is... because the real telling sign is in her measurements, she has lost over 8cms overall. In a matter of weeks, that's fabulous!

Mandy has an ambition to lose 15kgs... and I know she can do it.
She is committed to her exercise and nutrition plan.
Over the next 12 weeks we will be tracking her progress.
Each week we will have a weigh in and we'll find out how Mandy is feeling with her exercise, nutrition and mindset for that week.
Each 4 weeks we'll do a new photograph and post Mandy's measurements.

Mandy says "I feel different this time about getting on track, I feel more focused. Now I care about myself and about looking after myself. I think this is a result of being a lot happier in life and surrounding myself with more positive people."

As a personal trainer, these words are music to my ears... when my client(s) say such affirming things to me I know I have something very real to work with and we will reach their goals without a doubt.

Of course there will be some sweat, tears, sacrifices... and maybe some cursing {I am so used to that!!} along the way. Nothing worthwhile comes easy.

I look forward to sharing Mandy's progress, and ultimate success story, with you.

Keep sweating.

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